
Do kind things for others

Do kind things for others

What kind things can you do today to help or be nice to someone else? Can you brighten someone else’s day in these rough times and make the world just a little better? Why yes, you can! Doing something nice for someone else can not only improve their day, but it can make you feel happier as well. Helping others elevates your mood, making you happier and more optimistic.

When we focus on the joy we are bringing someone else, we give our minds a much needed break from figuring out our own problems. Helping others can take our mind off our own worries. Kindness elicits happiness, which in turn creates positive emotions, which promotes better health, happier relationships, and less negativity. It can be something as simple as giving a compliment, opening a door, or volunteering your time. Additionally, kindness is contagious and helps to spread happiness and good karma. Kindness always comes back to you. Tuc blanket wishes you good karma and happiness. 

8th Jan 2021 Tuc Team

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