
What bedroom lighting do you recommend for sleep?

What bedroom lighting do you recommend for sleep?

The lighting in your bedroom can either wake you up or help you to sleep. 

Melatonin is a hormone responsible for helping us to fall asleep and stay asleep. It has been found that blue light and white light severely disrupt the production of melatonin. Our bodies interpret blue and white light as daylight which will decrease the amount of melatonin produced. Having these colors of lights in your bedroom may be contributing to your less than stellar nighttime sleeping. 

So how can I light up my room while getting ready for bed? 

It has been found that amber and red lighting have no negative effect on melatonin production and that these colors of lights act the same as darkness, protecting melatonin production and supporting healthy sound sleep. By having a bedside lamp with an amber colored light bulb, it may help you sleep.

13th Jun 2020 Tuc Team

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