

Ways to finish what you start

Ways to finish what you start

Do you find yourself working on the same project for way too long? Does the end seem to move further away, the more time you spend on it? Sometimes giving ourselves too much time to complete a task is the least productive way to tackle it. It may be a task you least favor doing. If you are avoiding doing it because it is a job you least enjoy, you need to learn to “embrace the suck”. This term means to consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but u …
7th Aug 2020 Tuc Team
Plants and greenery in your house

Plants and greenery in your house

We are all in our homes much more these days. Given the current times, we are sleeping, working, and relaxing in the same environment every day. Home has become the new office. Have you ever thought that indoor plants might be a real boost to your daily environment? Plants have been shown to boost mood, creativity, and concentration, all while brightening the room space they inhabit. Plants absorb indoor toxins and are known as nature’s air purifiers. They help clean the air you bre …
24th Jul 2020 Tuc Team
Stop trying to be perfect

Stop trying to be perfect

Trying to be perfect is trying for an unobtainable goal. The goal of achieving perfection stems from many sources. Maybe you were raised to meet others high expectations and were taught that imperfection equals failure. Maybe you use perfection to compensate for what you perceive as a deficit in your talents. It is also celebrated in our society and children are encouraged to study harder to achieve the perfect grades. However, being perfect is impossible and can negatively effect you …
10th Jul 2020 Tuc Team
10 Steps to forming healthy habits

10 Steps to forming healthy habits

Everyone wants to change bad habits and get rid of vices that hold you back from achieving your goals. Though willpower may help at first, you may find your motivation lacking as days go by. Old habits may come back. You need a plan of action to make new habits stick.Here’s how…First, clarify the goal you want to achieve. What is the specific outcome you want your new habit to do for you? Be specific. Do you want to lose weight? Set a weight lose goal in numbers. Want to eat better? …
19th Jun 2020 Tuc Team
Morning routines and why you need one.

Morning routines and why you need one.

What you do in the morning and how you get started each day has a profound effect on the rest of your day. That is why a morning routine is so important. In what ways will a morning routine improve your life?- It will give your day structure. Starting with a routine that you do each and every day sets the tone of how the rest of your day will progress. It serves to make each day more predictable and helps you attend to tasks with greater efficiency.- You will experience more ener …
22nd May 2020 Tuc Team

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